Friday 2 May 2008

Cable Guys

This morning, I arrived at the station just gone 8am as 'usual' only to be told that there were no trains running since some of the signalling cables had been stolen (!). I've heard of this practice before but never been bitten by it. They didn't know how long it would be before services would resume but, at the very least, it looked to be at least a few hours' delay.

I feel like I should be mad about this; stealing signalling cable is not only a huge inconvenience to a huge number of people but also (presumably) a significant safety hazard. Certainly such a blatant show of inconsideracy would normally annoy me. But, for some reason, it didn't. I'm wondering if this is because its effects weren't so direct for me. Okay, yes, I couldn't get to work but I like working at home. I think if I had been stranded on my way back from work and unable to get home easily, I would've been a lot angrier.

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